EVBackOffice provides a central management platform to manage charge points for eMobility.
The platform provides a central view point of your installed charge point network while providing you with the tools to remotely manage these charge points and gain insights in the health of your EV charge Point network. EVBackOffice provides an easy to use system giving the network operator the ability to configure various Charge Point parameters remotely. Various reports are available to view Charge Point availability, transaction count, energy usage and
occupancy rates.
Determine if the Charge Point is active and online.
Start and stop charge sessions remotely.
Stop current in-progress charge sessions.
Unlock the connector from the vehicle remotely.
View and analyze charge sessions.
Reset and reboot charge points in the network.
Manage charge authorization tags.
Setup support contacts to receive status updates and alerts via email and SMS.
Charge Points are pro-activity monitored by EVBackOffice.
Should a Charge Point go offline, or a fault condition occur, alert notifications are automatically sent out to service personal,alerting them of the pending health status of the Charge Point. Support personal can perform various remedial actions through the EVBackOffice portal to determine the root cause
and remedy the situation as best possible without sending
service personal out on site, saving you time and expenses.